Sunday, September 10, 2006

Jesus gets things wrong ??

I'm reading a novel I picked up in a charity shop somewhere for light entertainment at the minute. There was a line in it that has stuck with me for a couple of days now. The character was talking about life in the deep south (US) & how blacks & whites weren't meant to worship together. On being challenged by the local minister as to what Jesus would say, she replied "I know full well what Our Lord would say... Our Lord would be wrong...."

It got me thinking. How often do we know full well what Jesus would say about a topic or something we face in our lives & decide we know better.

What would he say in response to how we welcome the alcoholic/ homeless into our church/ home ?

What would he say in response to the magazines we buy/ books we read/ websites we visit ?

What would he say in response to how we spend/ don't spend out money ?

Who are we to think we know better than the One who made us ?


At Wednesday, September 13, 2006 10:42:00 AM, Blogger Mark said...

It seems easier to assume we know what Jesus would say, than to be "heart-still" long enough to hear his heart beating.

Nothing new here, as the saint have (with a few notable exceptins!)for centuries known much more than we've lived.


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