Little Miss Sunshine

Went to see "Little Miss Sunshine" tonite. I love Crazy Tuesdays at the cinema !! I haven't laughed & cried so much during the same movie in a very long time & it's even longer since I've heard a film get a round of applause.
The basic premise is of a family travelling from Albuquerque to California to allow the 7 yr old daughter (Olive) to compete in a beauty pagent. The script writers have done a great job of making the family "real" - I could actually imagine myself being part of this dysfunctional family.
My favourite character without doubt was the Nietzsche reading teen who had taken a vow of silence until he was accepted to flight school. There is this great point in the film where the family are talking about going on the road trip when he writes a note declaring "I'll go on the trip but I'm not having fun". How many stroppy teenagers have declared that over the years ?
The themes of loss & family were challenging - every character lost something in the film, but banded together at the end to protect Olive's dream (& her) realising "family" was what mattered.
Great choice of film Rowan. Would definately watch it again.
Anyone else seen it ? Any thoughts ?
Such a good film...almost tempted to go see it again. You turn to organise next crazy tues...cuz I'll be in Milan!
If it's so great why was my friend so offended by the bad language in it? Do we really need more role models for dysfunction? I haven't seen it but if the language is as bad as she said, if don't want to.
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