Monday, November 20, 2006

Job Interviews & Keeping Calm

I had a job interview this morning for a job I really really really would quite like to get. Did I mention I'd like to get this job ? It's not that I don't like my current job (I do), I think it's just time for something new.

So, was half way thru giving my answer to question one & a voice comes over the tannoy "We shall now conduct our weekly test of the fire alarm system, if you cannot hear it, please report this to security". The alarm sounded.

First off, if you can't hear the alarm, I assume you won't hear the annoucement, so how would one know to report it ??

And second off, it kinda threw me a bit. Especially when the alarm finished & the panel asked me to pick up where I left off..... couldn't really remember what I'd said & what I hadn't.

On to question two. Again, giving my answer & a voice comes over the tannoy "thank you for participating in the weekly fire alarm test."

Hmmmmmm at least it gave me opportunity to show my cool calm & collected persona under pressure.

Needless to say can't remember much about the rest of the interview.



At Tuesday, November 21, 2006 3:23:00 PM, Blogger naomimurphy said...

Lets hope you get it girl!

At Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:13:00 AM, Blogger Andrew G said...



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