Thought for the Day
Too many people believe their doubts & doubt their beliefs
so the blog title is boring. i'm running low on creativity. this blog is my attempt to share random musings on life, work, and friends.
So its my last day here - am sitting in the solarium listening to Longview on my ipod & checking my emails & thinking I should post my thoughts on my often neglected blog (I told Sarah I would days ago......) This entry is in honour of her.
So I admit it - I'm an addict.
So after too many months am finally back in the US. My journey is 2 fold -
1. my little (well he's still taller, just younger) brother got married in Solon, Ohio last week. My family came over for the wedding. He married a girl from London.... why they couldnt come to the UK to get married is beyond me - it would've been cheaper to get 2 people to travel back to us than get 20 people (between both families) to fly out here........ but no matter.
2. The better half of my trip & my vacation for the year........ has been to pay a visit to Sarah Wagler. I've been staying with her this week - I"m here another 6 days - I don't want to leave, but am not thinking about that right now - I'll just enjoy the time I have.
It's been so much fun - though it would be said my girly side comes out when I'm with Sarah - I find myself doing things like teaching her to cook ...... knitting (!?! - I haven't done that in about 20 years, but have managed to knit a autumnal scarf without dropping too many stitches)...... clothes shopping (let's face it, I hate clothes shopping, even if you wouldnt thin k it by the amount of stuff I bought in Old Navy - my excuse is it hasn't made it to Ireland yet. I LOVE OLD NAVY !!)...... BUT the best thing of all I think we have done so far is BELLY DANCING !! Yup, you read right..... Sarah, Charlie, Hannah & I went last night all ready to shake our booties (or should that be bellies ?). It was a lot of fun - though it would be said Sarah has the moves, I only have the belly...... I think I need to practice some before we go next week. It really is very graceful (not at all what I expected), I might even be graceful one day - if i could do any of the moves..... I might have to check out a class at home. I shall keep you posted.....