You Tube & Rowan

so the blog title is boring. i'm running low on creativity. this blog is my attempt to share random musings on life, work, and friends.
Labels: cheap intimacy, Emily Strange, questions, skeleton
Was flicking through an old notebook a couple of weeks ago & came across some notes that I'd taken when I heard John O'Donohue speak this time last year. I found a page with a list of questions I've been pondering since. some seem very pertient to me at the minute & are encouraing me to make decisions. I'll not be posting any of my answers (you have to figure your own out for yourself !!), but the questions might be something worth taking time to ponder over the Christmas season as you look to 2007.
* If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do ?
* What are the 3 secret doors through which you could get out of your own way ?
* What decision do you need to make that you are putting off ?
* Who are the friends that you have lost ?
* What burdens can you not let go of ?
* What is the true face of your enemy ?
* Who has given you the truest gifts ?
* Who tells you the truth ?
* Who can't stand you ? (NOTE: this does not read 'who can't you stand?' that's another question for another day :) )
* What do you continue to put up with that you needn't ?
* How do your family really think of you deep down ?
* Do I know I'm alive or do I feel alive ?
* When was the last time I really listened to my heart ?
* If I could sit down with myself what would we say to each other ?
* Who can I open my heart to ?
Good questions - maybe I'll answer some of them here. But for now, my head is fried. Time for a coffee.
Labels: John O'Donohue, questions
Labels: fun