Me and the INFJ sites have done some talking.
this is kinda what I am like. Those of you who know me can judge for yourself.
Introverted - yup - I'm an introvert. I do "do" social interaction, but if you put me in a large group of people, you'll find me sitting quietly in a corner (or just talking to the people I know). I am rejuvenated by time alone or with a few friends.
I do have lots to say (especially if the subject is something I am passionate about -don't get me started !!) but won't always say it - I'd rather listen.
iNtution - I think I float between this and Sensing - definitely need to be more sensing in work where being concrete, facts, details and practicalities are important. But so are looking to the future & possibilities (which I spend alot of work time looking at too..... I guess this suits me well). I spend probably far too much time reading into things and can be too idealistic for my own good.
Feeling Again this screams me ! Probably the strongest of all the characteristics. I make decisions with my heart rather than facts (unless I'm in work) and go with principles and values (what I believe in) - I can't rule with my head. Feelings are important. I rely on intution and my feelings alot to make decisions.
I HATE conflict and will pretty much do anything to avoid it (including not giving my opinion unless I'm REALLY passionate about it). I think I do empathy and caring for others pretty well too (just to blow my own trumpet for a moment). I don't do logic much (unless its puzzles..... pretty addicted to Sudoku at the minute).
Judging Some of these are true - I'm organised and structured, yes, I like lists (only so I remember what all I've to do!). Closure is good (most of the time). I don't think I'm that decisive, until I've made a decision and then I'll stick to it, so maybe I am...... (that what such an indecisive sentence.... ha ha!!) but I also see Perceiving traits in me too - I am a very random thinker at times. And if I have to write reports in work I am the world's worst at procrastinating, as much as I hate myself for it & would rather have it written ! I think I'm adaptable as much as I like organisation and relative structure (although that's maybe more to do with not liking conflict!).